Archives: Events

An Introduction to Passive Readers’ Advisory (PCI Webinar)

Readers’ Advisory is not always face to face or in real time . . . Some patrons will not ask for help while in the library or want to start their search at home. For these reasons and because it’s not possible to reach everyone for one-on-one help, a robust program of passive readers advisory can fill in the gap.  Join Passive Readers’ Advisory expert Lila Denning for an hour of all the ways that […]

Creating a Person-Centered Library: Supporting Patrons While Avoiding Burnout (WebJunction)

Are you feeling the strain of serving patrons with complex needs? Is your library seeing increased patron behavioral issues and mental health concerns? This session reviews ideas and approaches for how libraries can support both high-needs patrons and staff. As a result of this webinar, you will be able to: Presented by: Beth Wahler, PhD, MSW, Social Work Consultant with Public Libraries, Founder and Principal Consultant, Beth Wahler Consulting; and Sarah Johnson, MLIS, LMSW, Adjunct […]

Circulation Desk Spanish (PCI Webinar)

Would you like to be able to say a few phrases in Spanish to help Spanish-speakers feel welcome? In this webinar, you will learn some basic vocabulary to greet patrons, discuss various components of circulation, such as check-in and checkout, that will get Spanish-speakers started using the library.  As a result of attending, participants will be able to:  This program is part of PCI’s collaborative learning project with California Libraries. (CALL).  Ana-Elba Pavon ~ Biography  A […]

Happiness at Work (PCI Webinar)

Happiness, a wonderful and elusive emotion linked to a better quality of living can be developed. Being happy changes your thoughts and emotions which ultimately changes your behaviors. Happy people are more fun to be around, tend to be healthier, and more productive!   In this lighthearted look at happiness discover the science of happiness, the health benefits, and specific ways to boost happiness while being mindful of the conundrum that directly pursuing happiness can backfire and leave us less happy.  […]

Library Giving Day

Join the movement! Your local public library is a place where you and your neighbors belong. Beyond the doors of your library lies a treasure trove of facts, figures, and feats of the imagination. Plus, there are people who are always ready to help.  Learn more and donate here:

2024 Spring Directors Institute

Northeast Kansas Public Library Directors, please join us on April 12, 2024, for the Spring Directors Institute at the NEKLS Office. This will be an in-person retreat, though we hope to have resources to share with those who cannot attend. The deadline to register to attend was April 1st, contact Dan Alexander ( if you have any questions. Our special guest will be Dr. Beth Wahler! Check out out her new book, Creating a Person-Centered […]

2024 NEKLS Competitive Grant Q&A

This meeting is to discuss the 2024 NEKLS Competitive Grants. Information about the grants can be found here: NEKLS staff will do our best to answer questions over Zoom. You can register here: We will meet at 2:00 PM on the 1st, see you then!

After-lunch course: Advocacy in a Polarized World with Peter Bromberg

How can we effectively communicate with all decision-makers, and stakeholders about the important work happening at your library regardless of their political beliefs? In this session you will learn the principles of “The Three Languages” of politics, and how to apply them when communicating with people from across the political spectrum. We will build upon these principles and learn how to effectively use data, stories, and research to craft compelling, resonant messages. Please join us […]

The Library Trustee Playbook: Building a Better Board

Who needs a playbook? For any kind of team, from the Kansas City Chiefs to the board of a library, a playbook can help engage and strengthen its members and contribute to an organization’s success. A playbook outlines the who, what, how, and why a team works together to achieve a common goal. Join us to find out how you can be a better board member and work with your colleagues and your director to […]

Hello, Goodbye: Reflecting on Onboarding and Offboarding Library Staff

Only 12% of employees surveyed by Gallup believe their organization has a strong onboarding process, despite its critical impact on retention, productivity, and job satisfaction (SHRM). Join facilitator Dan Alexander in this webinar as we delve into the complete employment cycle—from effectively welcoming new team members to addressing challenges during employee departures. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences, strategies, and lessons learned. Engage in discussions on organizational success and enhancing worker satisfaction through a […]

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