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Level Up Your Library with AI: Practical Uses for Library Staff and Patrons (PCI Webinar)

The future is here - learn how artificial intelligence is transforming libraries! Join our insightful webinar to discover how leading libraries leverage AI to improve programs, empower patrons, streamline operations, and offer cutting-edge services.   We’ll explore real-world examples and demo the latest AI applications for tasks like research, readers’ advisory, marketing, data analysis and… Read More »Level Up Your Library with AI: Practical Uses for Library Staff and Patrons (PCI Webinar)

Building Community Partnerships (Registration Full)

NEKLS Office 4317 W 6th Street, Lawrence, KS, United States

Please save the date for a new Continuing Education opportunity on Friday, February 23rd. NEKLS is hosting a presentation and lunch with Darci Hildebrand, Director of the Wamego Public Library, on Building Community Partnerships. This CE opportunity will expand on the very popular presentation that Darci made at the November KLA Conference. The session will be… Read More »Building Community Partnerships (Registration Full)

Best Picture Books Published in 2023 (PCI Webinar)

Are you looking for new picture books to share in your classroom, curriculum, or collection? This presentation will feature the “best of the best” from the 2023 publishing crop (for ages 1 -6).   A variety of books will be featured, including quality read aloud books, distinguished illustrations, and picture books about diversity and inclusion.… Read More »Best Picture Books Published in 2023 (PCI Webinar)

KORA Training at Lawrence Public Library (Registration Full)

Lawrence Public Library has contracted The League of Kansas Municipalities to provide in-person Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) training for their library staff members. Nicole Proulx Aiken, who provided KOMA training in 2023, will lead this presentation, and be able to field questions about KORA compliance for public libraries. Registration is limited, one participant per… Read More »KORA Training at Lawrence Public Library (Registration Full)

Providing Accommodations for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patrons in Your Library (PCI Webinar)

This session unpacks the legal requirements for communication access under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and provides a guide to effective use of accommodations such as interpreters, captioning, front-line communication techniques, and more. We’ll also cover easy and inexpensive solutions that can be used by library staff at all levels.  At the conclusion of this… Read More »Providing Accommodations for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patrons in Your Library (PCI Webinar)

Creating a Person-Centered Library: Supporting Patrons While Avoiding Burnout (WebJunction)

Are you feeling the strain of serving patrons with complex needs? Is your library seeing increased patron behavioral issues and mental health concerns? This session reviews ideas and approaches for how libraries can support both high-needs patrons and staff. As a result of this webinar, you will be able to: Presented by: Beth Wahler, PhD,… Read More »Creating a Person-Centered Library: Supporting Patrons While Avoiding Burnout (WebJunction)

Circulation Desk Spanish (PCI Webinar)

Would you like to be able to say a few phrases in Spanish to help Spanish-speakers feel welcome? In this webinar, you will learn some basic vocabulary to greet patrons, discuss various components of circulation, such as check-in and checkout, that will get Spanish-speakers started using the library.  As a result of attending, participants will be… Read More »Circulation Desk Spanish (PCI Webinar)

Happiness at Work (PCI Webinar)

Happiness, a wonderful and elusive emotion linked to a better quality of living can be developed. Being happy changes your thoughts and emotions which ultimately changes your behaviors. Happy people are more fun to be around, tend to be healthier, and more productive!   In this lighthearted look at happiness discover the science of happiness, the health benefits, and… Read More »Happiness at Work (PCI Webinar)

Library Giving Day

Join the movement! Your local public library is a place where you and your neighbors belong. Beyond the doors of your library lies a treasure trove of facts, figures, and feats of the imagination. Plus, there are people who are always ready to help.  Learn more and donate here:

2024 Spring Directors Institute

Northeast Kansas Public Library Directors, please join us on April 12, 2024, for the Spring Directors Institute at the NEKLS Office. This will be an in-person retreat, though we hope to have resources to share with those who cannot attend. The deadline to register to attend was April 1st, contact Dan Alexander ( if you… Read More »2024 Spring Directors Institute