2:00 pm
3:30 pm
You’re Invited!
Getting to Know PLIX
A webinar co-sponsored by NCKLS and NEKLS
Tuesday, April 26 2-3:30pm on Zoom
MIT Media Lab researchers have been teaming up with librarians across the country to create a variety of fun, 21st-century thinking educational programs under PLIX (Public Library Innovation Exchange). Join Jennifer McCulley, Youth Services Coordinator at McPherson Public Library and Creative Learning Ambassador for PLIX, to learn about the program. You will learn how to access pre-prepared activities, resources, online workshops for librarians, and a forum for you to use for help along the way. We’ll work through a sample activity to show you how easy it will be to facilitate creative learning in your library. Be prepared with some stuff from your craft supplies or recycle bin–because we are doing a program sample that will cost you next to nothing-Space Food!
Our facilitator:Jennifer McCulley is a mom of a 4-year-old, the Youth Services Coordinator for theMcPherson Public Library, one of 25 Creative Learning Ambassadors for PLIX,President of the Public Library Section, member of the William Allen WhiteCommittee, Ambassador for Plaid Enterprises and probably some other things that she has forgotten about. She loves baking, reading, and creating. She hates orange M&Ms.
Register here: