Duct Tape, Circuits, and Knitting, Oh My! Maker Culture at Your Library (KLC presentation)

Dan Alexander (NEKLS), Heather Braum (NEKLS), and Erin Downey Howerton (Wichita Public Library) presented at the 2013 KLA/KASL conference in Topeka on maker culture.

Resources, links, and more are found on the NEKLS Makers page.

Slides are below.

Session description: Maker culture, maker spaces, and content creation are new movements in libraries — or are they? People have always created, with the help of library resources. The maker movement in libraries goes much further than resources by providing space, tools, mentors, more resources, and even programming to help people make and create even more! Public libraries have been the main focus of maker spaces, but school and academic libraries can also participate! This session will provide a brief primer on the maker movement and its culture, showcase how libraries are developing maker programming and spaces in their libraries, explain why libraries should embrace this movement, and how you can do it — with plenty of resources to help!… Read the rest