Schools and Copyright

Hi, School Librarians and Staff!

I know there is a lot of concern out there about providing online teaching. I am far from a copyright lawyer, and am no expert in this newer field. However, as a consultant, I have gathered a few resources and am sharing them with you. 

If I missed your favorite resources, please email me. I will amend the post to include them so that we can collect everything in one spot. Thanks!

Best wishes for a successful (if strange!) school year.



An article from a legal firm on the TEACH Act, Copyright Fair Use, use of already-licensed materials, use of materials for which publishers are expanding their licenses, and use of Creative Commons Licensed materials.

An article by several law professors (among others) titled: “Reading Aloud: Fair Use Enables Translating Classroom Practices to Online Learning.”

An article on fair use in storytime.… Read the rest