2023 Trustee Training
Join us Saturday morning, online, on June 3rd at 10 a.m. for the NEKLS 2023 Trustee Training. Our presenter will be Robin Newell and she will be discussing library policy development and management. Register to attend the Zoom workshop here: https://kslib.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tdu2hrDIrGNH75Q33x9znq8yT7Hz2Xt9t
Here is a link to the presentation in a handout format for taking notes: https://www.nekls.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/LIbrary-Policy-Development-and-Management-NEKLS-handouts.pdf
Workshop Description
This workshop will include the process for the development and management of library policies in three different areas – outward facing (for the government of the library), inward facing (for the government of staff) and self (policies for the board). The workshop will be broken into 20-minute segments with a five-minute break between each segment. Time will be allowed for questions pertaining to the content that is being presented. If there are additional areas that participants would like to discuss with the presenter as a whole, time will be made available at the end of the presentation.… Read the rest