It’s here, voting for the MUSTIES 2021 will begin on Monday December 13.
Voting is open to the entire NEKLS community using the voting form that will be linked below, starting Monday December 13 through Thursday December 16. There will be three top prizes awarded on Friday December 17 (each library can only win one prize). Represented below are books from public, school, and academic libraries, thanks to all for their submissions and their votes.
Vote here:
#1 The Lightning Thief
#2 Pathology of Tumors
#3 Hard Ball
#4 Familiar Quotations
#5 Horton Hears a Who!
#6 Ghost Towns of Kansas
#7 History of Kansas (1967)
#8 The Hound
#9 Martin Luther King
Update: I , Dan Alexander, am ashamed of myself, I forgot to include three submissions, and they were really good ones too. Next year I promise to better organized. Honorable Mentions to the Wheat Law Library and Bonner Springs City Library, please forgive me!