The NEKLS office will be one of the available remote ELMeR sites for the fall KILR (Kansas Interlibrary Loan Rountable) meeting on Wednesday, October 20. The face-to-face meeting will be held at the Salina Public Library, in Salina, Kansas.
9:30-10 a.m.: Registration
10-11 a.m.: Autographics update, Mary Jackson, Resource Sharing Project Manager for Autographics
11a.m.-Noon: Agent Questions, KICNET Update, Rhonda Machlan, State Library of Kansas
12-1 p.m.: Lunch
1-2 p.m.: “Beyond Staples and Tape!” Courier Do’s and Don’ts, Carolyn Little, NEKLS
2-3:30 p.m.: KILR Business Meeting
If you plan on attending the meeting at the NEKLS office, please fill out the registration form below, choosing the Fall ILL Meeting option from the Event to sign up for menu.
Download the flyer sent out on the KANILL List. Lunch will be provided at no cost on site. The menu includes soup, salad, bread, and dessert.
Please contact Heather Braum at hbraum (at) or by phone if you have any questions about the meeting.