Before we close down shop at NEKLS for the extended holiday weekend (wahoo!), I am pleased to announce the winners of the June 2024 Capture the Adventure Summer Reading Photo Contest. I wanted to preface this announcement by thanking everyone who submitted photos and mentioning that I greatly underestimated how difficult choosing a first, second, and third place winner would be. Even if you didn’t “win” this month, I hope you will consider submitting photos for July and August. Additionally, every submission that isn’t recognized is still entered for the drawing at the end of the summer. The next time we need a great photo to illustrate the amazing work happening in public libraries, we will have a ton of great photos to choose from – for that, I thank you!

-Dan Alexander

Capture the Adventure – June 2024

In first place is a photo submitted by Traci Smith from Carbondale City Library. Some thought the cropping was too severe, but others loved the dynamic feel. The bright colors of the AWE station, along with the two engaged youngsters, really drew the critics in. One critic even remarked that the photo “looks like it is from a magazine.” Congratulations to Heather and Traci!

Some thought the winning photos should capture more traditional library moments, but many of us loved the joy and excitement the Wellsville Public Library captured in our pick for second place. Every summer our member public libraries provide experiences our youth will remember for a lifetime. Nice job!

In third place we have a tie!

It was too difficult to choose between photo submissions from the youth service coordinators at Bonner Springs City Library and Leavenworth Public Library. Both libraries captured great indoor activities, something that can be difficult to do without adequate lighting. They both also utilized an interesting focus effect, sometimes called portrait mode.

Thank you to Amy Cushing and Traci Valdovinos for your submissions.

Once again, thank you to everyone who participated in the June 2024 Capture the Adventure contest. Your creativity and dedication shine through in every submission. We look forward to seeing more fantastic photos in the upcoming months. Have a wonderful holiday weekend, and keep capturing those adventures!