Internet Safety and the Kansas CIPA law

The new Kansas Children’s Internet Protection Act effectively means that every NEKLS public library (and school) must use content filtering on its public Internet computers. All libraries are probably already doing so, but these are a few issues to be aware of:

  1. NEKLS will continue to provide the OpenDNS filtering service for public libraries. We have negotiated a very low rate for this service and are offering it at no cost to member public libraries. Most public libraries are already using this service. If you are not currently using the OpenDNS service and wish to do so, please contact Dan Alexander at NEKLS:
  2. Regardless of whether you use OpenDNS service or some other alternative filtering solution, you are required to use some method to prevent access to visual depictions that are child pornography, harmful to minors or obscene.
  3. The library must adopt policies and standards and methods for conforming to these requirements, and inform the public  of those policies and standards, and of the process for making complaints about any violations of these requirements.
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