Techbench: Wouldn't you like to be a Maker too?

Among the many of you who are crafting your summer away, we have at least two public libraries, in our region, bolstering their involvement with the maker movement. This summer Nortonville Public Library is a super affiliate for Maker Camp 2013, and Lawrence Public Library has included two electronics days to their normal teen programming. Diane Trinkle of Nortonville Public Library and Karen Allen of Lawrence Public Library took time to share their programming notes. Diane mentions that there is a lack of advanced preparation available for Maker Camp; Jenny Levine the ALA liaison for Maker Camp said that this will be something they will work on for next year.

Maker Camp – Diane Trinkls

The Nortonville Public Library is a Super Affiliate for a program called Maker Camp. We received a large box of materials for the advanced projects offered during the camp. The materials included a soldering kit, Raspberry Pi computer, 10 t-shirts, an Arduino Uno microcontroller pack, a Makey Makey kit, some EZ-El Electroluminescent wires, a Spinbot kit and more.

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