NEKLS 2013 Volunteer of the Year Award winners – and nominees

library volunteer pinLibrary volunteers are special people, giving their time and talents without any expectation of reward or recognition. Without them, many libraries would struggle to get everything done.  In some cases, volunteers take on special projects that create valuable community resources. Often, they step up and provide crucial leadership at critical times. They extend the libraries’ reach into the community and help stretch scarce budget dollars.

This year the selection of our Volunteer of the Year award winner was more difficult than usual:  19 different volunteers were nominated by their local libraries.  Because of the large number of entries, NEKLS staff selected 4 award winners to be recognized at the annual Assembly and Budget Hearing on August 15.

2013 Volunteer of the Year Award winners are:

Bobby Garmin — Myer Library, Ottawa University.  Bobby works 3 mornings each week scanning and pdf-ing the Ottawa University Annual Catalogs 1872 – 1999.  Having completed that project, Bobby is now working on scanning sermons from the University’s Roger Fredrikson collection.… Read the rest