We want to meet with you!

The staff at NEKLS really, really wants to meet with the librarians who work in our region. We schedule lots of events both here at NEKLS (some of our watch parties have been pretty fun – and keep an eye out for more to come!!) and out in our member libraries (the recent Trustee Workshops, consulting visits, etc.) so that we can get a chance to meet face-to-face with the NEKLS area folks. While there are often scheduled things going on in and around the NEKLS building, we also want everyone to know that we are available for consultation and training – one on one or in a group – by appointment as well. We used to offer a Final Friday session for folks to come in and talk about anything they wanted, but that has been replaced by a more general invitation – if you want to talk about your library, your library’s technology, your library’s catalog, your library’s finances, your library’s training needs or anything in between those topics, make an appointment to talk to one of us (Mickey, Heather, Robin, Ryan, Patti, Laura or Dan) at any time.… Read the rest