Celebrate the Book on November 1

Don’t miss the annual Readers Advisory Conference, scheduled for Friday, November 1 from 9am – 4:30pm.  Topeka & Shawnee County Library will again serve as the host site.  Cost is $40, which includes a full lunch and morning treats.  Registration deadline is Friday, Oct. 26, with registration capped at 128.

Diana Tixier Herald is the 2013 keynote speaker.  Ms. Herald is the author of several editions of Genreflecting and Teen Genreflecting. dth3small-108x140        She describes herself as a “Guerilla Librarian.” Check out her Genrefluent blog, and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

There will be 15 different breakout sessions to choose from,  in addition to the keynote presentation, door prizes, morning treats and a full lunch – all for $40.  Mail-in registration forms and more information are available from the website.

Breakout session choices range from Rock & Roll Fiction, Memoirs, Cookbooks, and Guilty Pleasures to Tech Toys for Readers, RA Marketing, Banned Books, YA, Current KS Authors and Historical Fiction. … Read the rest