Techbench: Keep On, Makin' On

This past weekend, while waiting for my Eggs Benny, a friend approached me. He  asked me to explain this “maker thing” in 30 seconds, and though the idea of making is fairly simple, the how and why are far more complex than mere seconds allow.

The concept is not new; in fact it is quite old. If you need something, you make it. If something is broken, you fix it. If you have a problem, you solve it. You are not alone though, there are tutorials and videos, services and parts, social groups, and mentors all at your disposal like never before in the history of all humankind.

A maker conceptualizes ideas, refines skills, creates and adapts physical things, and shares this process with anyone willing to listen. Everyone benefits when we are makers. People learn more complex and specialized skills. Multigenerational, multicultural, and multidisciplinary human bonds are created.  Technical advances are made.… Read the rest