Know-It-All: XP is Retiring

The Windows XP operating system will no longer receive updates after April 8th of this year. No one knows with complete certainty what  effect this will have on those users who continue utilizing an XP driven machine. However, we do know that “black-hat” hackers can use system insecurities to wreak havoc on users. Do you have a plan for your machines that are still running this operating system?

If I am your “computer guy” then please work with me to tread safely through this transitional period. We can look at upgrading your current machines to Windows 7, though keep in mind not all machines will be  candidates for an upgrade. If you are wanting to upgrade a machine from Windows XP to Windows 7 then you will want to run the Upgrade Advisor from Microsoft to see if a particular machine is upgradable. When you run the software make sure any peripherals that will still need to operate are connected and powered on (i.e.… Read the rest