Professional Collection Changes

NEKLS received a very generous professional collection donation last summer from Linwood Community Library; however, it sat idle for a year, waiting to be processed, and was just incorporated into the NEKLS professional collection in early July.

With so many new books, I took the opportunity to completely reorganize the collection into content areas, instead of straight Dewey; I could not have done this without a lot of help from Patti, Anna, and Carolyn.

The reorganization has made the collection much more browsable, more visually appealing (each book is labeled with a category)IMG_5100 2, and better access to the materials through online categories. I’ve put together 33 lists in NExpress, where you can discover each “group” of books and place holds.

Here’s what the collection looks like now:


Adding shelf signage to label each category will be the last step.… Read the rest