A New Canvas – Rethinking Design

Would you like a clear identity for your library? A logo, a color palette, and a redesigned website all sound great, but how?

A New Website Theme

Many who will see this post have a WordPress based website that is hosted by NEKLS. Many of you also use a theme that is outdated. Likely, your website is not responsive, that is to say, if you open it on a mobile device your site is the same as if you looked at it on a big monitor. It doesn’t have to be that way; many modern themes are shape-shifters. If your patrons view your library’s website via a mobile phone, then don’t you want that experience to be as good as if they were on a desktop computer?

On the KLOW homepage we have highlighted some themes that you could adopt for your own website. To see these premium themes check out the link here.… Read the rest