NEKLS Innovation Day 2016

NEKLS Innovation Day 2016 was Wednesday,  April 27 at TSCPL. We had a full day of discovery, networking, and fresh ideas.

Jason Griffey was our Keynote Presenter

  • Library Innovation: Now & Future (video and slides)
  • Hardware + People + Data (slides)

Break Outs

5 Ways to Maximize Your Internet (slides); Debbie Edwards, KsFiberNet

Linked Data and Libraries (slides); Robin Hastings, NEKLS

Capturing Stories (handout, video and slides); Kaye McIntyre, KPR

Time and Task Management (PDF); Brenda Hough

Telemedicine & Telehealth in KS (slides); Sarah Velasquez

The Balancing Act of Digital Privacy & 
Digital Services 
in Libraries (slides and handout); Heather Braum & Robin Hastings, NEKLS