Collection Development Help

We at NEKLS have put together a list of resources for your library to use when deciding what books to buy. The list is an ever-growing and ever-evolving thing, so if you have any suggestions for sites you use for collection development, please share them with and I’ll add them in!

These resources are all free, though some have paid versions, and most of the ones that do regular updates and lists have newsletters that you can subscribe to in order to stay up-to-date with what’s hot with readers.

A couple of the resources are useful for Readers Advisory – they help find the next in a series or a book that is similar to one that the patron has read. Don’t forget, though, that the Novelist application in the catalog is a useful RA tool for both of these tasks!!

Feel free to contact us at NEKLS if you have questions about collection development, readers advisory for your patrons or pretty much anything else – we are here to help!