Digital Literacy Training Resources

I just got back from the NDIA (National Digital Inclusion Alliance) conference in St. Paul Minnesota, and I have lots of information and resources for us to use here in Kansas to help bridge the digital divide! The NDIA folks like to talk about a 3 legged stool as an analogy for digital inclusion – you have to have hardware (computers, devices), broadband access (high-speed internet that is both available AND affordable) and training (the ability to effectively use those devices on that broadband internet service to connect to needed information and resources). In service of one of those three legs, I want to share with you some of the resources that are out there (all free to use and to adjust for your needs) to help train your patrons to become digitally literate consumers of information and entertainment online!

So, with no further ado, here is the annotated list of digital training sources you all can use:

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