Fall 2017 Director’s Institute Wrap-Up

We had a great time at our Fall Director’s Institute last Friday! If you couldn’t make it, we have the resources for you right here – feel free to contact us if you have any questions about any of this information. First – the Agenda for the Institute was jam packed with good presentations…

We started with Brad Loveless who talked about the Westar Energy Tree Program.

He was followed by Judy Keller and Mary Loftus, who talked about Fundraising for Libraries: Thinking Outside The Stacks. They covered how to begin thinking about fundraising in new and interesting ways!

After lunch, we had a presentation by Christina Ostmeyer, Summer Food Advocate for Kansas Appleseed,  explored one way for libraries to expand their reach into the community—through after-school and summer meal programs for youth.

Finally, Mike talked about the NEKL Foundation and Laura went through the new 2018 accreditation (the version linked is the one with changes highlighted) standards to clear up issues about which she’s getting lots of questions.… Read the rest