Update: 2021 Library Accreditation Program and Library Development Grant Application


I.     Directors of public libraries that participate in the accreditation program should access the following two forms at  https://www.nekls.org/resources/forms/.

  • Accreditation Application – Library Development Accreditation Program
  • 2021 Library Development Grant Application

II.    Review and complete the forms with your library board. 

III.   If your Accreditation Application requires waivers, be sure to complete a waiver form for each standard under consideration.  (The waiver form is at https://www.nekls.org/resources/forms/ as well.)

IV.  Submit completed and signed forms to: accreditation@nekls.org and use “Accreditation Application” in the subject line.  The due date for these forms is Monday, March 1, 2021.

V.    Please retain the original signed documents in your files.

The new accreditation standards for the 2021-2023 cycle were developed pre-COVID.  NEKLS recognizes that many libraries were unable to achieve several standards in 2020 due to the pandemic and we know that 2021 will present its own set of challenges and opportunities. … Read the rest