A note from the Kansas Library Association:
Registration for the 2011 Kansas Library Conference is now open!
Please visit the Conference website at http://kslibassoc.org/2011Conf/index.php from the ‘Conference’ tab on KLA’s website. You will be guided to a page with tabs for Registration, Session Schedule, Accommodations, Directions and Parking, etc. We will be adding information on sponsors, social events, and presenters.
Under the Registration tab, you will find links that take you into KLA’s online store to purchase the conference. Members must log in if they wish to receive member rates for the annual conference. Guests will also register in order to capture badge information. Some tips for the Registration process:
- This year we feature a special Friends and Trustees rate for conference, as well as a Thursday One Day Rate.
- Virtual Sessions! Virtual attendees who can’t make it to Topeka will also have the opportunity to share the vision of the conference with our offering of 5 virtual conference sessions. By registering for the full conference or the virtual sessions only, you will be able to participate in the live sessions or view the archives at a time of your choosing. Look for “Kansas Library Association 2011 Virtual Conference” in the online store.
- If you are a member but you do not remember your password then please take advantage of the “Forgot your Password?” link to quickly receive an email prompting you to reset your password.
- If you would like to join KLA while registering for conference, you can purchase a membership in the online store and add it to your cart with all other conference-related purchases. The member price for conference will show up at check out as you purchase your membership.
- If you are a member but have not yet paid your annual dues then please take a moment to renew while shopping for conference. We would appreciate it!
- While in the online store, you will see the 2011 Conference followed by all the preconference sessions and ticketed events.
- You must purchase the Conference in order to purchase a preconference and ticketed session. You will be guided to do this when you add the conference event, preconference, and conference ticketed session to your cart.
Please call the KLA Office at 785-580-4518 or email kansaslibraryassociation@yahoo.com for more information.
Early Bird Registration ends March 15th, 2011.
Follow the discussion on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kansaslibraryassociation
We hope to see you at conference!
Royce Kitts, KLA Conference Planning Committee Chair