Sunflower State Small Libraries Playlist

Sunflower State Libraries

Do you want to hear a story? This story is about libraries in Kansas that are doing some really great things, and we need your help!

Sunflower State Libraries is a thirty minute interview where public library directors (or staff/trustees/friends) from across the state share the highlights from their library. The organizer and host is Dan Alexander (, Northeast Kansas Library System consultant, and he will work with guests to structure the program. We usually have about a dozen library professionals from across the state tune in live to watch the program over Zoom, and many more who watch the recording. The recording will be made available so that library can use it as a tool for advocacy–previous guests have shared the YouTube link on their Facebook account, on their website, or simply emailed it to their executive board. To be consistent, we are trying to hold this program every month on the second (or third) Tuesday, usually from 1:30 to 2:00 PM (if you would like to be a guest, but this time won’t work we can adapt to your schedule).

What are the requirements? Not a lot! The guest will want a webcam, microphone, and Zoom installed. Pictures of the library space or of past programs are helpful, but not required, and Dan can get them organized to coincide with the interview questions. We have a few stock questions we plan to ask each guest, and in the second portion of the interview we will jump into topics specific to the guest’s library. Below is a playlist of the programs we have hosted and recorded so far and a sample of the types of questions that are asked in the program. So what are you waiting for? Contact Dan ( and let him know you will be a guest on Sunflower State Small Libraries.

Sample Interview Questions

  1. Would you please introduce yourself and your library (how long have you been there, briefly talk about your experience with libraries, and/or why you got into librarianship)?
  2. What can you tell us about your town/city?
  3. Can you describe how your library operates (hours, staffing, board, city)?
  4. Let’s talk about the library, what can you share about the physical space?
  5. Are there any library programs or services that you would like to tell us about?
  6. What kind of partnerships does the library have, why are these important?
  7. Does your library do any fundraising?

What People Are Saying About the Program

  • “Bravo Rodger and Bravo Peabody Township Library :)”
  • “Can’t wait to get something to share with my community. I really hope some other small libraries will step up to the plate and be willing to swing for the fences!”
  • “Greta did a great job, my husband even listened and was impressed with her, & all her hard work for Nortonville.”
  • “It is painless and free advertising for your library.”
  • “Great ideas, Kate. Thanks for sharing! My favorite sound bytes: libraries all over the US have the same issues as ours, but they have different solutions; Be brave; and partnerships are vital to libraries.”
  • “Wow we are so proud of our Director Kate Haynie you did an awesome job!”