Contact Information

Library Board Operations – Mike McDonald and Robin Hastings

Resources for Public Library Trustees

Public library trustees have various roles and responsibilities, many mandated by Kansas Statute. For complete information on your duties as a trustee, see the Kansas Public Library Trustee Manual. If you would like a printed copy of the manual, contact NEKLS staff, alternatively it can be found here:

One responsibility of trustees is to assist library directors with the NEKLS Accreditation process. Click here more information on Accreditation.

Accreditation Standards recommend that all library trustees join the Kansas Library Trustee Association (KLTA) , a section of Kansas Library Association (KLA). To become a member, go the KLA webpage.

New Trustees

Every trustee who joins a library board should participate in new trustee orientation. This is reflected in NEKLS Accreditation Standard 77, which states: “All new library trustees participate in a formal orientation upon appointment to the library board.”

A thoughtful, well-planned orientation will help to ensure each new board member is prepared to fulfill her/his role on the board.  At a minimum, orientation should consist of:

  • Library director provides a formal tour of the entire library – building and grounds
  • Prior to the new member’s first board meeting, the library director and new member review the board orientation packet that includes:
    • Library Board bylaws
    • Board roster; meeting dates, times, places
    • Statutory Power and Duties of the Library Board
    • Kansas Open Meeting and Open Record requirements and resources
    • Board and Director Roles (pdf)
    • Employee Handbook
    • Library policies
    • Library’s key planning documents (strategic, facilities, technology, etc.)
    • Organizational chart (employees, their roles and reporting)
    • Complete board packet from the last board meeting
    • Operating budget for the current fiscal year
    • Description of NEKLS, the services provided and trainings available
    • Completion of Conflict of Interest form
    • Completion of Loyalty Oath and Statement of Substantial Interest (pdf) or (docx)

Annual Trustee Training Requirement

To meet Accreditation Standard 9, the library board participates in at least one continuing education activity annually.

The deadline for meeting this annual standard is September 15. Failure to complete this requirement may result in the library losing the remainder of its Library Development Grant; Until a completion plan is in place, the third quarter grant check will be held.

Ways for trustees to successfully complete the training requirement include:

  • Part of a regularly scheduled board meeting with materials and/or a presentation
    provided by the library system or other resource.
  • Attendance at continuing education activities provided by the library system
    and/or other continuing education providers.
  • Other continuing education activities including viewing and discussion of online or
    recorded presentations.

As best practice, all board members should complete training on the same topic, though there may be situations when this is not feasible. Suggested completion time is two hours.